SE Comp Sem-II MIL Prac-7 (String Operation-FAR-A)

;string operations

disp macro msg
    lea dx,msg
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h


.model small
    GLOBAL  str1:byte,len1:byte
    str1    db  25,?,25 dup('$')
    msg0    db  10,13,'------MENU------$'
    msg1    db  10,13,'1.INPUT $'
    msg2    db  10,13,'2.LENGTH $'
    msg3    db  10,13,'3.COMPARE $'
    msg4    db  10,13,'4.SUBSTRING $'
    msg4a   db  10,13,'5.CONCATENATE $'
    msg4b   db  10,13,'6.OTHERS $'
    msg5    db  10,13,'7.EXIT $'
    msgn    db  10,13,'$'
    msg6    db  10,13,'ENTER STRING 1: $'
    msg11   db  10,13,'LENGTH OF STRING 1: $'
    msg13   db  10,13,'CONCATENATED STRING IS: $'
    msgs    db  10,13,'TOTAL SPACES  : $'
    msgw    db  10,13,'TOTAL WORDS   : $'
    msgcap  db  10,13,'TOTAL CAPS    : $'
    msgnl   db  10,13,'TOTAL NEW LINE: $'
    msga    db  10,13,'TOTAL ALPHABET: $'

    len1    db  ?
    cnt      db  00h
    cnts     db  00h
    cntw     db  00h
    cntc     db  00h
    cntn     db  00h
    cnta     db  00h

     main proc
        mov ax,@data
        mov ds,ax
        mov es,ax
        EXTRN compare:far,substring:far,concatenate:far

m:      disp msg0
        disp msg1
        disp msg2
        disp msg3
        disp msg4
        disp msg4a
        disp msg4b
        disp msg5
        disp msgn

        mov ah,01h
        int 21h

        cmp al,'1'
        je inp
        cmp al,'2'
        je len
        cmp al,'3'
        je comp
        cmp al,'4'
        je subs
        cmp al,'5'
        je con
         cmp al,'6'
         je oth
         cmp al,'7'
         je ex

inp:    call input
        jmp m

len:    call leng
        jmp m

comp:    call compare       ;compare
        jmp m

subs:    call substring        ;substr
        jmp m

con:    call concatenate       ;concatenate
        jmp m

oth:    call other
        jmp m

ex:     mov ax,4c00h
        int 21h

endp main

input proc near
     disp msg6
     mov ah,0ah
     lea dx,str1
     int 21h


leng proc near
   disp msg11
   mov dl,str1+1
   mov len1,dl
   mov cnt,dl
   call show


other proc near
     lea si,str1+2
     mov cl,len1
cw1:  mov al,[si]

     cmp al,'A'
     jb cw2
     cmp al,'Z'
     ja cw2
     inc cnta
     inc cntc
     cmp al,'a'
     jb cw3
     cmp al,'z'
     ja cw3
     inc cnta
     cmp al,' '
     jnz cw4
     inc cnts
     cmp al,'.'
     jnz cw5
     inc cntn
     inc si
     dec cl
     jnz cw1

     disp msga
     mov ah,cnta
     mov cnt,ah
     call show

     disp msgs
     mov ah,cnts
     mov cnt,ah
     call show

     disp msgcap
     mov ah,cntc
     mov cnt,ah
     call show

     disp msgnl
     mov ah,cntn
     mov cnt,ah
     call show

     disp msgw
     add cnts,01h   ;words would be 1 more than spaces
     mov ah,cnts
     mov cnt,ah
     call show


;show pocedure
show proc near
        mov al,cnt
        mov ah,00h
        mov cx,0000h
        mov bx,000Ah
        mov dx,0000h
        div bx
        push dx
        inc cx
        cmp ax,00h
        jne s1
        pop dx
        add dl,30h
        mov ah,02h
        int 21h
        dec cx
        jnz s2



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