Showing posts with label SPOS (TE-II). Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPOS (TE-II). Show all posts

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 9 (Scheduling RR)


typedef struct process

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 9 (Scheduling SJF)


typedef struct process
    int pid,at,bt,ct,wt,tat;

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 5 (Banker)


struct process
    int finish,request[6],all[6],max[6],need[6];

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 6 (Page replacement)

int search(int pf[10],int pno)
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
            return i+1;

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 7 (Producer Consumer)

/* buffer.h */
typedef int buffer_item;
#define BUFFER_SIZE 5

/* main.c */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 8 (Reader Writer - reader priority)


int readcnt=0;
sem_t x,wsem;

TE Comp Sem-II SPOS Prac 9 (Scheduling FCFS)


typedef struct process